Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Feeling so loved!

Only 5 more weeks until my due date!!!  We are definitely ready to meet our new baby!

Doctor appointments are getting more frequent. I had my first Non Stress Test last week.  Because of my high blood pressure I have to go for them weekly.  I go into the hospital and get hooked up to monitors to record my blood pressure, baby's heartbeat and movements and any contractions I may be having.  The test can take anywhere from 1/2 hour to many hours, depending on how cooperative the baby is.  Thankfully last week I was only there for a little less than an hour.  Baby was very active and my blood pressure was good.  The nurse told me I was having regular contractions but the doctor wasn't worried  since I wasn't feeling them.  Apparently that is normal for someone that has had other children.

This past weekend we bought a propane fireplace for our living room and moved our entertainment  center downstairs with the boys movies and Wii games.  We are planning on hanging the tv on the wall and finding some shelving to go next to the fireplace.  It makes the living room look so much bigger!  Can't wait to have the fire going on chilly nights!  We really miss the fireplace that we had in the living room at the old house.

Sunday we worked on some house projects...organizing the basement, getting the heater ready for winter and cleaning out some clutter.  Jim and Eric spent the afternoon at the firehouse working on the new firetruck while Jacob and I had a fun visit with Uncle Zach and Aunt Caitlin!

Sunday night we went to Mommom's for dessert to celebrate Caitlin and Aunt Karen's birthdays.

Wednesday morning Jacob's class went to the firehouse for a field trip for fire prevention week.  Jacob was a little shy while he was there but loved that Daddy and Grandpa were there to help out!

In the afternoon I had an appointment to get my tdap vaccine (for whooping cough).  This was no big deal but my arm is SOOOOO SORE!!!  Hoping it doesn't last too long.  After that I had my 35 week OB appointment.  This baby is extremely  stubborn!  The doctor was having a hard time getting a consistent heart beat because of his position.  I mentioned that he was head up at 32 weeks so she turned on the ultrasound machine to check.  Well, turns out his head is way up at the right side of my rib cage with his back along my left side and his feet at the bottom...ugh!  So much for this being an easy third delivery!

There is still time for him to turn but the doctor didn't seem very hopeful.  I will be getting an ultrasound every week now to check and I have the option to try an External Cephalic Version (EVC) at 39 weeks to try to turn him.  This would involve going into the hospital, getting an IV and meds to relax my uterus and 2-3 doctors manually try to move the baby from the outside.  It is painful and only has a 60% success rate.  There are risks that could lead to an immediate emergency c-section (which is why they do them in the hospital).  I will talk to the doctor more about it next week but for right now it doesn't seem like something I am willing to try.  If I decide not to do the EVC I will be scheduled for a c-section at 39 weeks, unless of course he would turn himself between now and then.

There are some websites I have found that give information on ways to get the baby to move on his own...putting a  bag of frozen veggies on my belly where the baby's head is and heat at the bottom to get him to move toward the warmth and away from the cold, kneeling on the couch and putting my hands on the floor (so almost standing on my head), playing music near my cervix and I found an article about a chiropractor technique that seems to have good outcomes.  I will talk more to the doctor about that one next week.  For now I'm going to be standing on my head and giving the baby brain freeze with frozen peas to get him to cooperate.  I really don't want to have a c-section, but at the end of the day, all that is important is a safe delivery for me and the baby!  We still have 4 more weeks to pray that he flips on his own!

Wednesday night I went to dinner at Brickside Grille with all the Kolb girls to celebrate our new addition.  I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful supportive family!  I got so many adorable things for the new baby.

Aunt Karen planned some baby games for us to play while we were waiting for our dinner.  The first was to guess what kind of baby food was in the jar.  Some people were brave enough to actually taste the baby food :) 
 We also played a nursery rhyme game where you had to figure out the nursery rhyme by the clues: For example- "Clumsy couple on an errand to the well" (Jack and Jill)

I had such a great night..thank you everyone for making baby #3 and I feel so special!

How far along? 35 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Sleep: Still trying to take daily naps….sleep is random each night.  Some nights I can sleep great, other nights I have trouble falling and staying asleep
Best moment this week: Getting stuff done around the house and spending time with family on Sunday AND dinner with the Kolb girls to celebrate our new baby!!!
Miss Anything?  Nothing new this week
Movement: Eric and Jacob finally felt the baby move this week.  His movements are so random it’s hard to catch them to have someone else feel them.  He’s more awake in the morning and at night.  Finally felt him hiccup for the first time this week!
Food cravings: nothing new
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!
Gender:  BOY
Labor Signs: more and more contractions each day, nothing significant though.  Hoping they are working to help make labor quicker and easier!
 Symptoms:  same as last week….sore, tired, uncomfortable and now acid reflux, ugh!
Belly Button in or out? It’s still mostly flat
Happy or Moody most of the time
Looking forward to: Finishing getting everything ready for baby….wondering when the nesting will come???

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