Sunday, March 23, 2014

Celebrating the Mommy-to-be

Today we celebrated the upcoming birth of my new nephew.  We had a great luncheon at Brickside Grille with the Kolb Family.

I loved creating all the decorations, favors and other little touches to go with the bird theme that we chose.

The diaper cake was a lot of fun to make.

We played 2 games- 
guess how many candy eggs are in the jar and guess the flavor of baby food

Bird favors that Jim and I made

Delicious and adorable cupcakes (can't take credit for these)


Of course, even the menus had to match the theme

This was Zach's teddy bear wearing his christening outfit

Caitlin got a lot of great gifts for Baby Boy.

Quilt made by Amanda.  
It matches the crib bedding that Caitlin had made for the nursery

Caitlin, showing off the burp cloths I made :)

We asked everyone to bring a book instead of a card 
to help add to the baby's library.

Everyone got a kick out of this "Mommom Book"


We had a wonderful day celebrating Caitlin and Baby Kolb.  We can't wait to add another little boy to our family!!! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

4 months

Lucas is 4 months old today!

  • You are, for the most part, sleeping through the night.
  • You like to go for walks in the stroller.
  • You're not crazy about nap time.
  • You still love to smile.
  • You have rolled over  a few times.
  • You are getting better at grabbing toys.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Who needs sleep???

Seriously....sleep is overrated.  Especially for  an almost 4 month old baby!  There's no need to nap more than an hour in an entire day. And why would anyone expect that baby then to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time through the night.  Craziness I tell you!!!

So, this has been our life for this week.  Lucas doesn't feel the need to nap during the know, he might miss something that's going on.   All the laundry and cleaning that Mommy does is just way too exciting!  Then he feels the need to be up every 2 hours through the night....not to eat, just to be awake!

 Doesn't help that he's so darn cute.....But please pray that this phase doesn't last long and he's back to sleeping through the night very soon!

Lucas has also started rolling over...from his belly to his back.

Eric's artwork was chosen to be displayed at the districts Friends of the Arts craft show.  So proud of him!

For Eric's birthday, he picked 2 friends to take bowling and back to our house for pizza.  The boys had a great time glow-bowling!  It was lots of fun.

Jim and I bought him a crossbow for his birthday and he is enjoying practicing with it.

Eric and Jacob loved the spring-like weather we had for the past week.  We spent the evenings playing outside, riding scooters, going for walks and practicing baseball.  But Winter came back with a vengeance yesterday and there is more snow in the forecast for Monday....just in time for Jacob's first tee-ball practice!

Spring is 6 days away and I expect no less than 50 degree weather after that!  We have had enough of winter!!!  Mother Nature has 6 days to get her act together!

In other news, we had to say goodbye to our new furniture today.  The loveseat was delivered broken and after many weeks of trying to get a new one we found out they are no longer making the one we picked out.  Our only other option was to take the floor model at a discount.  They delivered the floor model this week, but when it arrived it is a completely different shade of brown than our couch!  I called the furniture store and told them we were returning everything.  So we're back to square one with furniture shopping!  Thankfully our old furniture is still being stored at Mom and Dad's so we won't have to sit on the floor until we find something else.   Hopefully we'll find something soon.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Eric is 8 today!  Wow, did I just say 8?  How did that happen???

We have watched you grow from a tiny baby to a great kid who we are proud to call our son!

Happy 8th Birthday Eric James!  We love you!!!