Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Let's get this show on the road!!!

So baby is finally full term and like his brothers, he has decided he is perfectly content to stay inside my belly instead of making an early appearance!!! 

Last Friday I went to the doctors and for a Non Stress test.  I was still not dilated and the baby was still really high.  We spent the weekend doing lots of walking and bouncing on my exercise ball to try to get things moving.

Saturday we worked in the yard to get ready for winter.  That evening we had Jim's parents and Mommom Mac over to celebrate her 80th birthday!

Sunday we had a relaxing day at home....enjoying what was probably the last of the warmer weather for the season!

Monday I had another doctor appointment.  I was FINALLY 1 cm dilated but baby is still really high.  She did an ultrasound to make sure he was still head down, which he is, but she showed me the big empty space that he still needed to move his head into.  Most of the time second and later babies do not drop until labor so hoping that will happen!

I am currently scheduled to go into the hospital Wednesday night at 6pm for a dose of Cervidil to help me dilate and then the plan is to have my water broken Thursday morning.  Hopefully everything will work and baby will be here sometime Thursday. 

Of course, there is still a little bit of time for him to decide he wants to come on his own, so we're still hoping that will happen.  We're all getting really anxious and can't wait to meet him.

How far along? 40 weeks!!! 
Maternity clothes? Nothing is comfortable at this point.
Sleep: Usually have no problem falling asleep at night but insomnia has been awful in the middle of the night and I’m wide awake about 5am!
Best moment this week: Finding out I was finally dilated, even though it was only 1 cm!!!
Miss Anything?  Sleeping, feeling normal!
Movement: Lots of movement still
Food cravings: Not much of an appetite
Anything making you queasy or sick: brushing my teeth, STILL!
Gender:  BOY
Labor Signs: more contractions throughout the day, dilated to 1 cm, Baby just needs to drop.
 Symptoms: tired, sore, backache, heartburn, acid reflux, sciatic nerve pain
Belly Button in or out? Out
Happy or Moody most of the time
Cranky because I’m still pregnant….can’t I have 1 baby come before his due date?
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby, hopefully by Thursday!

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