Sunday, March 1, 2015

February wrap-up

So February was COLD, COLD, COLD!!!  We are SO ready for Spring so we can get outside to run around!

Lucas turned 15 months last week. He is quite the little ham lately.  He is very stubborn and has been known to throw a few tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants!  But, he's also very sweet.   He loves to give hugs and high-fives and is a great helper when you ask him to do something.

This is his favorite pastime...

We can't keep him off the kitchen table!!! 

He has also mastered drinking out of a straw!  Easy to do when your big brothers leave their cups out where you can get them!

His favorite part of the day seems to be bedtime because he knows he is going to brush his teeth then get his pacifier in his crib!  Crazy kid!!!

Daddy introduced him to Oreos with milk!

He thinks it's great to lick the beaters when Mommy is baking! 
this was actually mashed potatoes and he licked the beater clean but refused to eat them at dinner!

 He likes to help with the laundry

He loves his buddy Gabe!

Eric and Jacob have been obsessed with playing Minecraft on the Xbox and watching YouTube videos of other people playing the game.  It's driving me CRAZY!!!

 Lunch on a snow day!

Shoveling off the top layer of snow to find a sheet of ice....they made an ice skating rink!

We said goodbye to our neighbors, The Garrison's.  They moved up state to an assisted living facility.  We gave them this picture of the boys and Tyler to remember us!  We miss them!

Jim made a new headboard for our bed!  It's been on his to-do list for quite a while.  It's actually made out of panels from Mommom Kolb's old garage door!

Looking forward to spring in 21 days!  Mother Nature better get her act together!!!

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