Friday, February 14, 2014

OH SPRING....Come out, come out where ever you are!!!!

So after going through my camera to update my blog, I realized mostly all of my pictures are of SNOW!!!  I don't think we'll be seeing grass any time soon.  Even the kids are sick of snow and being home from school!

First there was the 8 inch snow storm that came on February 3rd.  Snow day #1 for February.

waiting at the end of the driveway for Grandpa to come by in the backhoe to give him some cookies

3 snowmen for 3 little boys!

The next day we had a 2 hour delay, then we were off again for 3 days due to the massive ice storm.  We were one of the "lucky" ones who were out of power for only 36 hours....others were out for 4-5 days!  Thankfully we had our generator to run our heat, refrigerator and well pump...and some other, internet and the xbox :)

Passing the time with art projects!

 Happy smiles!  He didn't care that the power was out!

Sledding down the icy hill at Uncle Zach and Aunt Caitlin's house!  Jim and Zach had to stand at the bottom to catch them so they didn't go too far!

Jacob entertained himself by finding icicles to share with Stella!

 So, needless to say, we've been stuck in the house for a while!  Some of us find it peaceful and are able to entertain ourselves....

Last weekend we bought new living room furniture and a new rug.  It was delivered on Wednesday.  We love it!!!
 I didn't have the heart to ask Jacob to move so I could take a picture.  
He was tired from trying to walk through all the snow!!!

Yesterday the Nor'easter came, dumping about a foot of snow on what we already had. We are running out of places to put the snow!!!

The snow was up to the bottom of the front screen door!
Poor Tyler....he can barely walk in the snow! Can you see his head?

Jim took the boys in the wagon up to Grammy and Grandpa's house to plow!  They had  blast!

Lucas and I hung out in the house, practicing belly time!  He's getting so much better!

After dinner Jim helped the boys dig a tunnel through the huge pile of snow!

Lucas watched through the window.

This morning the sun was out and the boys had some fun back out in the snow...along with Tyler

Snow piles are so high!!!

Jacob had a lot of trouble walking in the snow since it was so deep!

And its not over yet...they are calling for a few more inches tomorrow!  The boys are supposed to start playing baseball next month...wondering if all the snow on the fields will be melted by then?   They may be playing in snow boots instead of cleats!!!

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