Tuesday, April 29, 2014

LIfe lately.....

Life has been pretty busy in the McMillan household. Between outside spring clean up, baseball practices and games and tending to a fussy baby, the month of April has just flown by!

We had a nice, relaxing Easter.  Other than attending church on Easter morning, we were able to spend the day at home. 

The boys woke up Easter morning to find that the Easter Bunny had come, but he sent them on a treasure hunt to find their baskets!  Jacob wasn't too crazy about having to work to find his treats, but Eric seemed to have fun finding and solving the clues!

We had celebrated with the Kolb Family and Jim's family before Easter.  It was nice to spread it out so our holiday wasn't so rushed!

We've spent lots of time outside lately.....

Building a flower bed for blueberry bushes

Eric brought home a dogwood tree to plant.

We've also planted our veggies in the garden and started some plants inside.

We tried out a new trail at Valley Forge one weekend.

And the boys and I went for a hike through the township's nature trail. 
Love this picture!!!

Last weekend we were invited to a fishing derby at Mommom and Poppop's old farm.  The boys had fun fishing though Grandpa was the only one who caught a fish.

Lucas has cut his first tooth, finally, but we think another one is coming because he's still pretty cranky!  Oh Lucas!  Thank goodness you're so cute!!!

Lucas has now mastered rolling over from his back to his belly!

Putting in the new basketball hoop.

Eric, shooting his crossbow from his tree stand (AKA the playhouse!)

Jim caught the boys being mechanics!  They took the hood off the truck and were "fixing" it!

May doesn't seem to be any less busy than April!  Looking forward to warmer weather and maybe a little less rain!

Monday, April 21, 2014

5 months

Lucas is 5 months old today!

  • You love to eat - bananas are your favorite!
  • You love to be outside.
  • Your first tooth is ready to come through any day now.
  • You are sleeping through the night.
  • You are getting better at rolling over.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Jacob Ray is 5 today!!!  He couldn't wait to go to bed last night because he was so excited about turning 5 in the morning!

notice Jacob is stealing Santa's cookies here...at only 8 months old!

Jacob's famous "nest" making!

getting a turn to be the Big Brother!

 Happy birthday to our crazy, stubborn, sweet, lovable boy who always keeps us on our toes!  We love you!!!