Tuesday, January 28, 2014


It has been frigid here lately and we are definitely starting to go stir crazy!  Looking forward to the big warm up this weekend...it's supposed to be in the 40s!

Nothing new happening in the McMillan home....

Since it seemed to snow almost every day in the last few weeks, the boys have been trying to bear the arctic temperatures to play outside.

All the snow does look so pretty.....

But Jim is getting tired of plowing and shoveling!

And I think even Tyler is dreaming of warmer spring weather!  

Eric went hunting again with Grandpa....they got the last doe for the season!  I think those new coveralls were good luck!

Lucas is getting SO BIG!!!! .  

Last Friday was his 2 month well check.  He weighs 9 pounds, 8 ounces and is 23 inches long



He's starting to smile a lot more when you talk to him.

He's still not a fan of belly time, but he's getting better at holding his head up.

He loves to stick his tongue out too!
 We got out the high chair so he can sit up to the table with us at dinner time.  I think he likes it!

Big brothers like to play with Lucas but sometimes have trouble with personal space.

Today I had to take Lucas to the doctor.  He started with a cough last Friday but when we were at the doctor for his well check, she said his lungs were clear.  This morning while we were with Amanda I had her listen to his chest because the cough seemed worse.  She said he sounded like he was now wheezing so off to the doctor we went!  It's nice to have a nurse in the family!!!  He has the start of a respiratory infection and is on an antibiotic, which he takes like a champ!  Thankfully he isn't really fussy...you wouldn't even know he was sick if you didn't hear him cough.  Hoping the antibiotic works and he is better soon!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

two months

Lucas is 2 months old today!

  • You have slept through the night 2 times.
  • You have discovered your hands and like to suck on your fist.
  • You have discovered your tongue and make silly faces with it.
  • You still like to be held and cuddled when you sleep.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

into the new year....

The beginning of 2014 has seemed to fly by.  We are enjoying time as family but I can't say I wasn't excited for Eric and Jacob to get back to school.  They had one day back then were off again for a  snow day!  Hoping we can get a full week in this week.

Our life in the past week....

Saturday outing to Cabela's.
Feeding the fish

Shooting Gallery

Eric in his new coveralls to go hunting with Grandpa.  Grandpa said his snow pants were too noisy and scared away the deer with the swish, swish, swish noise that they made whenever he moved! :)

 New coveralls must have been lucky!  They came back in less than an hour with this....

Jacob got a ride on the motorcycle...switching out the cycle and the tractor from the shed to the garage.

Moved the tractor to the garage just in time for this....

Lucas has been much more active lately...smiling and cooing.

Jacob made a "tent" for Lucas!

The ladies from our sewing group at church made this blanket for Lucas.

He still does plenty of this though....

Tried out the new snowboards at Uncle's Zach's house.

Snowmobiling at the butcher shop...

Celebrating Grandpa and Uncle Roger's birthday at the monthly Kolb family Sunday dinner.

Bundling up to go to the bus stop during the polar vortex....apparently we live in the arctic now!  Thermometer read 2 degrees on Tuesday morning!!!