Sunday, December 29, 2013


We had a very busy but very fun Christmas holiday. 
Last Friday Jacob had his Christmas program at school.  As usual, he didn't sing much, but it was still cute to watch the kids.

Santa dropped off a gift for the kids at school too.  They were so excited!

Saturday morning I baked Christmas cookies.  The boys decorated a couple of sugar cookies special for Santa....I think Santa was on a sugar high on Christmas Eve from all the sprinkles!!!

Saturday night was the Kolb Christmas Party.  The boys got to see Santa and had fun hitting the pinata that they brought for the kids.

Sunday we had Christmas with Mom, Dad, Zach and Caitlin. 

Christmas Eve we went to the Children and Family service at church.  Our pastor asked us to light the Christ Candle since we are the family with the youngest child.  She didn't tell me until a few days before that I would also have to do a was really only a couple of sentences and no big deal, but I'm not a fan of public speaking!

After church Jim's parents and Mommom Mac came over to celebrate with us.  We had appetizers and dessert.  The boys got an air hockey/ping pong table!

Then it was time for gifts from Mommy and Daddy.  We always get the boys Christmas jammies and a book.  Jacob wanted to "read " Lucas's new book to was so cute to listen to his version of the Christmas story.  Many people in the book were shepherds!

After leaving cookies and milk for Santa it was time for bed.  Eric had a hard time falling asleep because he was too excited for Santa to come!

Christmas morning the boys were up at 6:45am.  We waited until a little after 7am to head out to the living room to open presents and were done by 7:30!

Then Grammy and Grandpa came over for breakfast and Grandpa helped put together the Ninja Turtle Lair.  We headed to Mommom Kolb's for lunch and more celebrating!

We have been enjoying spending the time at home together, but are also ready to get back to our routine....and get my house back together!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

one month

Lucas is one month old today.

  • You started smiling!
  • You can hold your head up for a little bit on your own.
  • You love to be held.
  • You sleep 3-4 hours at a time at night.
  • You love to look at lights, especially the Christmas tree!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Snow is falling!!!

We've had lots of snow this past week...first last Sunday gave us about 3 inches, then another 4 on Tuesday, causing a snow day from school, then Saturday into Sunday we had another few inches with some ice on top.  The boys are having fun playing outside, but 3 storms in 1 week is a bit much!

 Lucas, enjoying the snow from inside!

 This week we took pictures of the boys to use for our Christmas cards.  It's so hard to get Eric and Jacob to smile nicely for the same picture!  After about 20 shots, we got one good one!

Saturday we took the boys to a Toys for Tots benefit.  You donated a new toy to get in and they had all the Star Wars characters to take pictures with, a place to shoot nerf guns at the bad guys and tables set up with different vendors.  The boys had a blast as they are really into Star Wars right now.

Saturday was the last day of hunting season so even though it was snowing, Jim decided to go out for an hour.  He shot this 8 point buck.  Very exciting!

Lucas has been pretty fussy this week....he's a really gassy baby so we are still trying to figure out what works to keep him content.  He was happy in his swing for about 5 minutes yesterday.  It's not much but it's progress!

Saturday night's snow storm....boys played outside in the dark!

Looking forward to Christmas next week...all the festivities start on Saturday so we're trying to get everything ready.